Image to the left:
This image is a map of Florida with labels of different counties and rail lines throughout the state and was used from 1880-1899. The amount of people living in Florida at the time was just under 300,000. The economic agenda was very heavily based on agricultural output: oranges and cattle. The peripheral theme of the frontier boundaries shrinking/lost to mechanization and development. Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman

Image to the right and below:
This period in Florida history is represented by travel throughout the state by both rail and boat. Where roads could not go, boat access and rail expanded development. This created a market for seasonal winter retreats for the nations wealthy elite. Below is a picture of the Hotel Royal Poinciana in Palm Beach. This 1,150 room building was built by the "Father of South Florida" Mr. Henry Flagler. His railroad company allowed for the very fast growth of the east coast through his network of hotels.

Video / Image Below:
"In the 1930's, Florida Legislators declared a war on Everglades water, they wanted it harnessed, tamed, and contained." This video capsulizes the attitude the state and federal government had against water and its management following the two very devistating hurricanes that hit Florida in the late 1920's. The images below are showing the damage the hurricane of 1926 did to Miami.
