This digital history project is a learning experience for me as well as the students. You can't always chose the absolute perfect subjects. When you assign something, you are hoping that there is enough information readily available that the students will not be so frustrated they can't go on. For the most part, in an effort to reflect a variety of perspectives I strove to assign locations that touched the community in different ways. I think it working, but you never know. Let's hope we don't have anyone drop over the web-page project. On the other hand, phase II will be harder on one level (working alone) and easier (free to chose from a greater variety of material). At the same time the intellectual process will be more demanding. Whether of not this was good idea--history will be the judge. At some level, finding out what people don't know about offers a education for me. An urban college like Rollins arguable should have resources and projects linked to the wider community. Those links should in turn create the opportunity for students and professors to create interesting projects that benefit both. I think this project qualifies, or at least I hope.
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