I believe you can sum up the civil war in a simply a few words. The south didn't agree with the North so in the first few years of the war they fought several indecisive battles until the South ran out of resources and men. Then the South was over run by the Northern army and burned to the ground. Sad to say but that it pretty much the gist of the Civil War. Now Im not saying that the war was pointless, or all of the soldiers died in vein. The civil war had a purpose, it established national supremacy, freed the slaves, and subjugated the states for the next century. I just feel that the war could have been completed faster. Now I know neither side was prepared for war and they had to gather resources, supplies and train soldiers, but seriously four years from 1861-1865 seems a bit much considering how under supplied and under prepared the Confederacy was. The war simply seems like it dragged on and lasted to long.
Heres a picture of Lego Civil War with a Union mortar canon. Oh capitalism!

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