Consumption is a big part of being American. It has been said the American economy depends on how much the population consumes. Statements such as “consumer confidence” are often heard on the television; we are a consumer culture. Winter Park itself is a consumer culture and it is through the goods and services that Winter Park citizens enjoy that their status and wealth is known. Wether it’s with vintage candy, luxurious car or even a beautiful mall, Winter Park doesn’t keep up with the Joneses, the Joneses keep up with Winter Park but of course, none of this could be done without you.

Women of Winter Park
The city of Women. Winter Park is a city teeming with lovely ladies ready to shop to their heart’s desires. These women have become a staple to the image of Winter Park as it is they who walk out into the streets with their girlfriends and enjoy the sights. However, they are not to be taken lightly. It was the women of winter Park who built the women’s club and it was these women who made their right to vote known. Outsiders looking in might get a stepford wife feel out of the city of women, but those who know Winter Park well are aware about the tenacity of its women. Housewives, models, shoppers, activists and well rounded social elite.
Race and the home.
This poster represents another facet of Winter Park history. The crinkled paper background aims to give the spectator a nostalgic feel and evoke thoughts of the past. A past in which Winter Park was separated by the train tracks ( into East and West), a past in which Gus Henderson rallied the community to cross the train tracks and votes. Our West Side Story seeks to integrate that unknown stories into Winter Park history. Even if Hannibal Square counted with its own segregated library or even if something as meager as train tracks separated black from white, its inhabitants still dreamt of something as typical as owning a home or educating their children. The poster represents not only the West side’s story. But Winter Park’s West side story which makes up an integral part of a whole.
The Model Home.
For this poster the topic of the model home was taken into a literal context. Just like clothes on a runway model homes are modified and decorated to look their best and appeal to a wide audience. But just like the clothes on a model, once they are out of the runway people might be surprised to find these homes don’t fit them as well as they thought. Just like the clothes we put on our backs, choosing a home is a matter of individuality. For all we know there is no such thing as a model home.
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