Friday, November 18, 2011

What is the real Florida for visitors?

Visitors coming to Florida see us as a sunny, warm, beach life with Disney World on the side. We are a land of leisure and fun. We are a place to relax and have no worries. Florida has always been a place where everyone can come and have a good time and take a break from the real world. We are also seen as a land for retirement with lots of homes and land available. Compared to up north we have a lot more space and everything is much more spread out so the hustle and bustle of city life is lessened. People also see Florida as nature. There are endless lands of green and beauty along with wildlife everywhere.

1 comment:

J Chambliss said...

I think the points you are making are sound, but I want you to think about the mechanism we use to define Florida with greater complexity. Ask yourself, especially in the aftermath of the reading we have had about the state, what can we do to clarify these impressions of Florida.