Monday, April 16, 2012

Artistic Statements

Poster 1: consumption. 
Consumption is a big part of American life.  We have an economy based off of consumption and consumption makes up 70% of our economic output.  My main goal with the consumption poster was to showcase the shopping options that are offered to people in Winter Park.  The picture of the GAP shows the clothing options.  I use a picture of Starbucks to mention coffee.  The whole industry behind coffee is not just about the drinks anymore but it’s more about a social gathering.  People talk about going out for coffee or going out for tea and I wanted to showcase that.  I also included a picture of the Briarpatch Restaurant.  This restaurant represents a place for people to gather on the weekends for a nice breakfast.  Many people know the other customers at the restaurant and know the restaurant’s employees. 

Poster: Ideal Home versus Real Home
With the model home vs. the real home poster I focused much of my time on the model home.  For example the background is the floor plan of a home.  Also, the pictures shown on the poster show homes that many people wished they owned but most people do not.  The whole point behind the ideal home is the person selling it is pitching something that everyone wants but no one really has.  All model homes are always in perfect condition.  People walk into it and there is no mess or clutter.  In reality very few people have houses similar to this.  I also feel that houses on the lakes are always desired.  I feel that lakes contribute much to communities. 

Poster: Race and The Home
My race and the home poster tries to capture Winter Park past and present.  I utilize pictures that I took of Hannibal Square.  I also used some photos that I found on the Florida Memory Project website.  The historical photos are supposed to give people an idea of what West Winter Park was like many years ago and the more present photos are supposed to show the transformation to Hannibal Square.  I show a picture of the barber shop that’s owned by Dwight Howard.  That’s supposed to represent the new investment in West Winter Park.   I also showcase the public amenities and educational opportunities that Hannibal Square.  This includes Shady Park and the Heritage Center. 

Poster: Gender and the Home
My gender and the home poster is designed to showcase the role of gender norms in the home.  Gender norms in the home are not as prevalent as they used to be but many of them still do exist.  We have this feeling that “housework” is not really work.  This became especially relevant in the 2012 presidential election.   I think that even though many people like to believe people do not have a large amount of gender bias or believe in gender roles that that is not the case.  That’s one of the main points I try to portray with my poster through showing a lot of pictures that showcase gender norms from forties fifties and sixties. 

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