Friday, September 21, 2007

Rollins History

Today we as a class got a to view a unique side of Rollins that most don't get to see. Rollins College history is mostly unappreciated and unknown by undergraduate students. Just like how American history is important to every American, Rollins history should be important to every student. It was truly fascinating to hold one of the first course books today and read the variety of changes that have occurred over the years. History not only teaches the past but also how to preserve the future. These documents, cared for for decades, are the backbone of the college and its past. I would advocate every student to take an hour and experience first hand the history of Rollins. One of the most memorable documents was the letter noting the rules of the campus in the 1800's. I found it most remarkable the control put on my the college on its students. The school was run more like a boarding school then a college in the terms of how we understand it today. This was more a sign of the times then the administration. This time in history focused on students dedication to their studies rather then the joys of adolescent freedoms which are sometimes over enjoyed on our campus today. Today was an eye opener for our history as a school community and how far we have come.

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