Friday, September 9, 2011

British vs. Spanish Perspective

Differences between British and Spanish perspectives in frontier Florida, such as those towards Religion, African Americans, and work ethic, had expansive affects on the then-current populations. The Spanish’s strong inclination to Catholicism and its importance led to a better treatment of blacks. The harboring of fugitive slaves who converted to the religion saved countless African lives. The Spanish had an overall more relaxed view towards slavery, which allowed for better living conditions and gave slaves incentive to work hard in hopes of malumission. The British’s more rigid approach created deplorable conditions for slaves, and offered little if any opportunity for free blacks. The British had a driven mindset that often utilized huge levels of cash flow, killed off slaves or workers, and eventually turned large profits. The Spanish’s more thoughtful approach allowed for longevity of their plantations and families and supported better living conditions for all those involved.

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