Friday, September 30, 2011

Seminole US Conflict Race relations

Racial tension contributed to Seminole-US conflict relations in a significant way. All three cultures, the white Americans, black Americans, and Native Americans have different cultural norms. One of the problems in the relations between white Americans and Native Americans is property. White Americans would try to take Native American property. Whites would also try to coerce Native Americans to concede their land. The Native Americans also had a tense relation with the black Americans. For example Native Americans would own slaves. All in and all Native Americans pretty much got the short end of the stick. They were the ones who lost lands to the white Americans were close to wiped out by presidents like Andrew Jackson.

1 comment:

J Chambliss said...

I think you identify a crucial point when you talk about property and its effect on how people see their placement in society. The conflict over perspective creates the opportunity for misunderstand the hasten the emergence of conflict.