Monday, September 19, 2011

Is there a shared culture between Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans in Florida?

Is there a shared culture between Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans in Florida? I believe if they shared any culture at all, it was strictly through the reason they lived there; and that was either through farming, ranching, or trade. The standard of living varied extremely separating the rich from the poor on a very wide scale. There is a culture of "Floridian Living" but a culture that resembles the three together; I believe there isn't. Some parallels can be made, but in respect to how Europeans lived and how Native Americans lived is in most ways completely opposite. As time progressed and proximity of living spaces lessened, sharing of technologies did occur, but Native American assimilation was seen as inevitable. As for africans, free or not, life was tough. If free, the promise of owning land and having a family presented a stress free life. If not free, the constant threat of losing a family member to slave trade and back breaking work posed health issues. If I were placed in this time period, I have absolutely no idea how I could handle the fact that someone owns another person. This idea of stripping the identity and personal freedom of another just doesnt sit well with me.

1 comment:

J Chambliss said...

Can't we say that the shared culture comes from the shared experience that shape their world view.