Thursday, December 13, 2007

An experiment

This is a little experiment to see if anyone actually reads other peoples blog entries on this thread.

Since the historiography of Reconstruction has gone through many different phases-- the racist views supported by the movie we watched, "A Birth of a Nation", The Dunning School, the revisionist view (emphasis on economic success), and now to neoabolition views (like Foner's)-- I wonder what other period in time has been looked at in so many lights. Will the history of our president day's war be as hotly debated in 150 years? The conspiracy theory has risen, but how long will that last until a new interpretation takes the forefront?

If anyone has any insights or answers that'd be great.

1 comment:

J Chambliss said...

You can be sure there will be many views on current events, some might actually paint the Bush Administration as reasonable people.