Sunday, October 14, 2007

Franco-American relations

Diplomatic relations between France and the United States have been from the beginning a very interesting aspect of this country's diplomatic history. Let us remember that France was the first and only european country that openly supported (after much hesitation) the American Revolution (The Netherlands and Spain supported the Americans as well, though in a very different way). We must agree that the victory at Yorktown was a Franco-American combined effort, and that the French Revolution was heavily influenced by the American example. Nonetheless, after the Treaty of Paris, America followed a separate path from France, a path that has led both nations to collapsing diplomatic points and moments of mutual need as well. France aided the americans in their struggle for independence and democracy, yet the Americans went into a Quasi War with them when the French tried the same thing. This changing pattern has persisted to this day: WWI, WWII, Afghanistan, Iraq, two modern nations with conflicting interests that love each other at times and then shift to mutual detestation overnight. Now the question is: What's next?

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