Friday, October 12, 2007

I could too

Yeah finally it is over, whew. Although I didn't use the information involving Rollins College and the black community in Winter Park, I still found it interesting. Rollins College Race Relations club and the Black Student Union were thoroughly involved in the black community. Fred Rogers was the chairman of Race Relations in 1950-1951 wrote about how amazing it felt to give back to the community, and how important it was to raise funds for the Mary DePugh Nursing home. Can you believe that the 1950's race relations Rollins was so involved in the black community. I didn't even know there were black kids that attended Rollins in the 1950's. In the 1970's the Black Student Union has pictures of memebers handing out books to kids and the elderly at the DePugh Nursing home. Community service just doesn't have the same meaning now as it did before. It wasn't a requirement to get in to school, it was just done because people wanted to help improve the lives of others. I wish I could give back to the community as much as they did. The articles I read on the Members of Race relations, and the Black StudentUnion makes me want to give back more, and do more for the community that surrounds me. If these Rollins College students in the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's could due so much when racism and discrimination was extremely blatant and prevalent. I can do so as well, especially since now a days although racism and discrimination does exist at least people try to hide it.

1 comment:

J Chambliss said...

Interesting stuff, I didn't know that, why didn't you use it?