Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Winter Park Golf Course

During last weeks research at the Olin Library archives I came across an interesting fact. Our topic is the Winter Park Golf course. Not only did I find out that there originally was a golf course directly on the Rollins campus (we saw some pretty good pictures of it stretching along the lake all over campus, we also discovered when it first moved to a different location it was a pretty small (9-hole) golf course. After that it was continuously expanded. We also found out that for the longest time and well into the 1950s or even longer, the golf course would be closed on Sundays due to so-called "blue laws" (laws designed to uphold moral standards, particularly those of Sunday as a day of rest and worship). That was one of the facts I found most interesting since it is something that nowadays seems almost impossible to imagine with stores being open almost 24/7.

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