Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Gentile Bros. Citrus Company

My partners and I got together last week to do some research on the Gentile Bros. We went over to the Winter Park Public Library (since there wasn't much at Olin) but when we got there of course we didn't really find much either. We ended up calling their plant in Ohio and found out that many of the records were destroyed when one of his factory's burned down awhile ago. We then decided to call a library that focuses on the Florida citrus industries, we figured they had to have a lot there. But it turned out that the man who was in charge of the archives had passed away a couple of weeks ago and the rest of the employees had no idea where to start looking.
Luckily though, the nice lady at the Winter Park Library was still going through her archives and found a book that had more information than we expected. So we used what we found in the book and a couple of online sources and were finally able to write our roughdraft, thankfully :o)

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